Credit Cards Section
This feature works only if the ” Manage credit cards ” Add-on is enabled for the current company.
With MyCena Desk Center The console admin can preload the information of credit cards and attach them to the related attributes securely.
2.6.1 Upload credit cards
In this section, the console manager can download an Excel file which is a template of a list of credit cards that he fills in order to reimport it later.
- First step: The console manager clicks on “Download template” button, “Credit-Card-Template-MDC.xlsx” file will be downloaded.
Second step: The console manager fills the fields with credit cards information that he wants to add, fields are:
Card number: This is the identifier of the credit card and it is unique and not editable.
- Company name or code: In this field, the console manager can enter the name or the code of the campany in which belongs the holder of this credit card.
- Holder name: In this field, the console manager can enter the name of the holder of this credit card.
- CVV: In this field, the console manager can enter the CVV/CVC number of the credit card, it will be hidden.
- Expiration date: In this field, the console manager can enter the expiration date of this credit card.
- See CVV: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the CVV field or not.
- Copy CVV: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the CVV field or not.
- See Card Number: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the Card Number field or not.
- Level: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the credit card will be stored.
- Note: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants
- Folder: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the credit cards in the list be classified with.
- Operation: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
Attributes: In this field, the console manager can separate attributes that he wants to add to the actual credit card by a semicolon ” ; ” or leave blank , or enter “all” to attach all attributes.
Third step: The console manager clicks on “Upload template” button and selects the “credit-card-Template-MDC.xslx” file:
- A table similar to “credit cards list” table will be displayed containing the list of the credit cards from the template selected, if a row contains an error or an invalid field it will be shown as a warning icon in the beggining of the row, with a detailed text about the error.
- The console manager has the option to edit or delete a row from the list before updating it.
2.6.2 Credit card list
The “Credit card list ” section is composed of the main table of Credit cards and actions that the console manager can do related to that table. Actions
Change lines per page: The console manager can change the pagination of the “Credit cards” table.
Show/hide colummns: The console manager can custom the columns that he wants to be displayed in the “Credit cards” table.
Export all credit cards: The console manager can click on the “Export all credit cards” button, and an email which has an excel file as an attachment containing the list of all credit cards will be sent to his mail address.
Export selected credit cards: The console manager can click on the “Export selected credit cards” button, then he be will asked if the file that he wants to download will have as extension “.xlsx” or “.pdf” and enters the file name. After that, a file containing the displayed credit cards depending on the pagination will be donwloaded.
Download delete template: The console manager can click on the “Download delete template” button,”Credit-Card-Delete-Template-MDC.xslx” file will be downloaded in which the console manager enters the “Card number” field of the credit cards that he wants to delete.
Import delete template: The console manager can click on “Import delete template” button in order to import an excel file containing the “Card number” field of the credit cards that he wants to delete.
Delete credit cards: The console manager can click on “Delete credit cards” in order to select credit cards from the table to delete.
Add single credit card: The console manager clicks on “Add a credit card” button, “Credit card” pop-up will be displayed containing:
- Card number: This is the identifier of the credit card and it is unique and not editable.
- Company code: In this field, the console manager can enter the name or the code of the company in which belongs the holder of this credit card.
- Holder name: In this field, the console manager can enter the name of the holder of this credit card.
- CVV/CVC: In this field, the console manager can enter the CVV/CVC number of the credit card, it will be hidden.
- Expired on: In this field, the console manager can enter the expiration date of this credit card.
- See CVV: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the CVV field or not.
- Copy CVV: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the CVV field or not.
- See Card Number: In this field the console manager can specify if the application user can see the Card Number field or not.
- Level: In this field the console manager can specify in what security level the credit card will be stored.
- Note: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants
- Folder: In this field the console manager can choose or create a new folder which can the credit cards in the list be classified with.
- Operation: This field is a text input wherein the console manager can enter a description or any text he wants.
- Attributed: In this field, the console manager can specify the attribute or attributes that will contain this credit cards. Credit cards table
This table is composed of columns:
- Card number, Company code, Holder name, Expired at, See CVV/CVC, Copy CVV/CVC, See card number, Level, Note, Folder, Operation, Attributes, Actions (Update credit card, Delete credit card ).